Five Habits of a Successful WAHM
98% of the Sellers at The Baby Burp are WAHMs. Isn't that amazing? We love our sellers and support these moms as they do their best to help support their families and give back to the community. Whether full-time or part time the life of a WAHM has it's ups and downs. Here are five habits of a successful WAHM.
They make lists.
Yes, a to-do list. Everything that needs to get done for the day. A list for the family and home. A list for what needs to get done with their business for the day. Successful WAHM are list makers to make sure everything gets done and in a timely manner.
They have a workspace.
A business person needs a workspace. Whether it be a desk, a table, a workroom or a sewing room a successful WAHM needs to have space to work to concentrate on business.
They keep a schedule.
A successful WAHM runs a tight ship and has to find balance between work and family. Calendars and business planners are filled up with lists and dates for things to do. A successful WAHM will know what they are doing, what they are cooking, when to clean, what time the kids are going to practice, and where they will be going for anytime of the day anytime of the week.
They are highly organized.
This goes with making lists and keeping a schedule. A successful WAHM makes this a priority without even knowing it. In order to have balance and get things done on time and when they should be, a successful WAHM is a highly organized person.
They are motivated.
Why are they so motivated? Extra income? A desire to keep working after kids? Even when they are trying to sleep their minds are wondering about what they have to do and when they are going to do it.
Oh yeah, and caffeine helps too!
Are you a WAHM? What are some tips you have to add?