Tuesday, December 10, 2013

National Mompreneur's Day Update

Great news as we are getting Mompreneur a recognized National Day by the Chase Calendar of Events! Business Among Moms have partnered with us to kick off this campaign and to help spread the news! The Baby Burp has declared January 2 National Mompreneur's Day, a day of recognition for super mommies who run a business and a household! If you're a Mompreneur or support Momprenuer's- here is a badge and code for your blog, website, etc. We are also asking that on January 2 to please post this as your header on all social media for recognition of National Momprenuer's Day! Please share this post to spread the news!

Please copy and paste!

 <a href="http://s1348.photobucket.com/user/julie_fry1/media/ScreenShot2013-12-09at65344PM_zpsfacdce2c.png.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1348.photobucket.com/albums/p733/julie_fry1/ScreenShot2013-12-09at65344PM_zpsfacdce2c.png" border="0" alt=" photo ScreenShot2013-12-09at65344PM_zpsfacdce2c.png"/></a>



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The Baby Burp: National Mompreneur's Day Update

National Mompreneur's Day Update

Great news as we are getting Mompreneur a recognized National Day by the Chase Calendar of Events! Business Among Moms have partnered with us to kick off this campaign and to help spread the news! The Baby Burp has declared January 2 National Mompreneur's Day, a day of recognition for super mommies who run a business and a household! If you're a Mompreneur or support Momprenuer's- here is a badge and code for your blog, website, etc. We are also asking that on January 2 to please post this as your header on all social media for recognition of National Momprenuer's Day! Please share this post to spread the news!

Please copy and paste!

 <a href="http://s1348.photobucket.com/user/julie_fry1/media/ScreenShot2013-12-09at65344PM_zpsfacdce2c.png.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1348.photobucket.com/albums/p733/julie_fry1/ScreenShot2013-12-09at65344PM_zpsfacdce2c.png" border="0" alt=" photo ScreenShot2013-12-09at65344PM_zpsfacdce2c.png"/></a>
