Monday, February 3, 2014

Mommy Must Have: Roomba

I grew up watching The Jetsons where Rosie the housecleaning robot was every mothers dream come true. I'm still waiting for a housecleaning robot in 2014, but I'll take the Roomba for now. I can't explain what a lifesaver this little vacuum has been! I hardly ever vacuum with a manual vacuum cleaner- ever. In fact, the Roomba does a better job. I have dark hardwood floors in my house that show every little piece of dirt and dust. If I run the Roomba on a daily basis, my floors are clean and dust free. It even gets the dirt in the corners of the baseboards. To my amazement the dirt chamber is completely full after each run! Added bonus: I'm allergic to our cat and ever since the Roomba my allergies have been better. Clean floors with no work-  I don't think I could ever go back to vacuuming after being so spoiled. As a busy working mother, this is a major mommy must-have! Until Rosie the Housecleaning Robot is invented I will take the Roomba for now! {My Mommy Must-Haves are not sponsored posts. Just products that I can't live without and want to share!}


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The Baby Burp: Mommy Must Have: Roomba

Mommy Must Have: Roomba

I grew up watching The Jetsons where Rosie the housecleaning robot was every mothers dream come true. I'm still waiting for a housecleaning robot in 2014, but I'll take the Roomba for now. I can't explain what a lifesaver this little vacuum has been! I hardly ever vacuum with a manual vacuum cleaner- ever. In fact, the Roomba does a better job. I have dark hardwood floors in my house that show every little piece of dirt and dust. If I run the Roomba on a daily basis, my floors are clean and dust free. It even gets the dirt in the corners of the baseboards. To my amazement the dirt chamber is completely full after each run! Added bonus: I'm allergic to our cat and ever since the Roomba my allergies have been better. Clean floors with no work-  I don't think I could ever go back to vacuuming after being so spoiled. As a busy working mother, this is a major mommy must-have! Until Rosie the Housecleaning Robot is invented I will take the Roomba for now! {My Mommy Must-Haves are not sponsored posts. Just products that I can't live without and want to share!}


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