The Baby Burp Featured Product: First Bow Newborn Hospital Hat Pink Cutie Bow
You can find "First Bow Newborn Hospital Hat Pink Cutie Bow" on our home page as a Featured Product this month at The Baby Burp! Here is what the seller, Cradle Cuties, had to say about her popular hat.
Cradle Cuties is the Traditional Newborn Hospital Hat with a Stylish Twist. I was inspired to make these Adorable hats 8 years ago with the birth of my first daughter Mia. A nurse made a makeshift bow by cutting a slit in a hat and pulling another hat through. I LOVED that touch of girl and I used that hat often! 2 years later my daughter Ella was born. Same hospital no hat. I wanted to create Stylish hats without taking away the functionality, comfort and warmth that is essential for all newborns.
These Cutie Bows are a Cradle Cuties Original! I went back to my daughters first hat and tried to Create the classic hospital hat bow with more structure! It is SO Classic yet Unique and Stylish! There are starting to be a lot of competitors trying to imitate Cradle Cuties! They say imitation if the best form of flattery! So many of the styles both boys and girls that others have, were originally created by Cradle Cuties. I use this as incentive to keep creating new and fabulous items as often as possible!
I am a Stay at Home Mom and started selling online as a hobby. It quickly became a hit. In August of 2013, I was contacted by Hope's Chest Showroom at the Dallas World Trade Center. They wanted to sell Cradle Cuties Wholesale to Children's Boutiques! It was a whirl wind Official Business Start Up! Official logos, retail packaging, etc. It has been so Successful! Cradle Cuties can now be found at Retail stores all around the US! I have been truly blessed!
You should buy Cradle Cuties because we take the classic hospital issued hat and Style it up to make your Baby the Star of the Nursery!
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